The final stage is the curse stage. FOR THIS STAGE, EVERYONE STANDS AROUND HER AND DOES NOT RUN OR MOVE. I cannot emphasize how much easier this stage is if everyone does this. She will fire an attack the spreads out, the further you are from her, the more damage it does. If you are right by her, it will do 100- every time. If nobody moves and stays right around her in a circle, she stays still, making it much easier. Pray soul split on this stage, because mage pray doesn't help. if she starts melee'ing you, DO NOT RUN, simply turn on MELEE PRAY. She can soul split to heal and pray melee, but this stage is fast if everyone does what I said. When she dies, run away from her or you will get hit 300+ with her final retribution spell.
All of Nex's drop range from 500K-3mil ish except of course for the big drops. She also drops 20 charms at a time, but the charms are not a drop you will see every time. Range is currently the most effective method of killing her, using ruby (e) bolts. Overloads are a semi must, it is extremely hard to kill her without overloads. If you use a yak, you can average 5 kills a load in a 10man team, kills ranging from 8-12 minutes. The higher mage def you have, the less you get hit. You can use pro gear while still common wealthing (fury, acp, spectral ss, karils skirt (or arma skirt protecting 1 item, etc, has 170+ mage def while risking only 1mil).
For the kill count, if you wear 2+ pieces of range armor (d hide, karils, etc) the blood reavers (magers) will not pile u but the melee and rangers will. If you where 2+ pieces of melee barrows armor, bandos, etc, the rangers and meleer's will not pile you but the blood reavers will. I suggest using 2 pieces of barrows or bandos, praying range to kill the rangers in the south west or north east areas. Occasionally a reaver will be lured to you, just kill it praying mage. The ancient mages always pile you but have a slow respawn time, kill them as soon as they spawn
14-Jan-2011 00:01:12
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14-Jan-2011 00:14:00