19-Jun-2011 19:00:16
°ï¦ï° Staff °ï¦ï°
Full Username: Rizzen244
Who recruited you (if any): Nobody.
Combat Level: 126
Why do you want to join TDC Staff?: Because I love the way Unions operate and have alot of experience and TDC seems like a great Union and i've always wanted to become a member of staff under a Union.
Will you be active on the thread?: Daily.
Have you read the department descriptions post(MUST READ)?: Yes.
Which position would you like(MUST PICK ONE)?: I'd like to be part of the Messenger Department.
What is your time zone?: GMT+0
Do you have any clan experience?: Loads, I have lead two RSB Clans, one called The Forgotten Fury, which signed up in the 2v2 Ladder with The Forgotten Army, and one called Ascendancy, which I made with ASC Forty. I have also been a part of many clans and P.O.C's.
Do you have any union experience?: I used to always attend The Grand Alliance meetings and get involved with their events as I had a clan under that Union once.
Will you follow all rules?: I will.
Are you currently in a clan?: Yes.
If yes, which one?: The Lost Empire 90+. It is new, however, so only consists of 4 members. But hopefully when it gains 30 members it'll join TDC.
Accepted officially for Sapphire.
Add me in game please. (:
21-Jun-2011 08:10:29