°ï¦ï° Staff °ï¦ï°
Full Username: Drifter N85
Who recruited you (if any):
Combat Level: 120
Why do you want to join TDC Staff?:i love lamp
Will you be active on the thread?: Yes
Have you read the department descriptions post(MUST READ)?: Yes
Which position would you like(MUST PICK ONE)?: clan recruitment (i know its not on there but i think it should)
What is your time zone?: Central
Do you have any clan experience?: ya hu
Do you have any union experience?: alot
Will you follow all rules?: Yes
Are you currently in a clan?: Yes
If yes, which one?: Fusion
ik im currently in the messanging dept but i was wondering if we could add a recriutment department, i would like to get as many eligible clans educated on what a great union this is and add ppl to our family
11-Jun-2011 02:44:56