Dear Mafia Family/ Clan
The Irish Mafia Family has fallen into its Civil war with its self, The pervious Don of the Irish Mafia is trying to come back and take away the power from our New Don, We would like you to help and aid Don razor in his time of need.
\+/ Merc3026 \+/
Irish Mafia Family Soldier
bump my favorite mafia!
theres a situation between 2 irish mafia's, tjxx was the last don and he lost his thread and didnt notice and made a new one. razor took tht opertunity to make his own then tjxx probly didnt notice and made irish mafia threads again. i am gunna sort them out
and there was a meetin of the dons called on tuesday and 1st i herd it was 8PM central, then 8:30PM eastern then 8PM eastern. u could allow me to go coz i probly could make it and i sure u couldnt matty lol nor anyone else rerally, so u could let me go and report back to u or w/e