

Quick find code: 90-91-889-65657303



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The Clan Quest RECRUITMENT FORUM (T10) may be found at
qfc 93-94-541-65763993


Founders: The Draziw, Kappathegray, Sethron 666

Based off previous clan structures dating before May, 2009
Formal Clan founding November 4th, 2009
Constitution Dated January 15th, 2010
Initial Revision to Constitution By: The Draziw: February 7th, 2010
Approved at clan council, per past clan structures: February 12th, 2010
Amendments Passed April 10th, 2010 – October 2nd, 2010
Charter Drafted: April 18th, 2011
Charter accepted by Low & High Councils July 29th, 2011
Amendments Passed November 11, 2012 - June 23, 2014


ARTICLE I- Permanency & Legitimacy of Charter

This Charter shall serve as the written guide of all Governmental Policies for the Questing Clan of Runescape. With its submission and ratification to The Clan Councils of the Questing Clan of Runescape, this Charter shall supersede all previous formal writings and serve as the primary text and legal authority for the operation and governance of the Runescape Clan Organization known as The Questing Clan of Runescape, its subsections, and all affiliated entities.

All members of clan quest shall be bound to this charter until such time as they choose to leave The Questing Clan of Runescape.

ARTICLE II- Name of Clan

The name of this clan shall henceforth and evermore be formally named “The Questing Clan of Runescape.”

The Questing Clan of Runescape shall also be recognized as “The Questing Clan”, “The QC*, *Clan Quest”, “The Runescape Questing Clan”, “The Quest Clan”, “The Clan Quest” or any other common association to the aforementioned names not specifically outlined in this Charter. Also, henceforth in this Charter The Questing Clan of Runescape shall be referred to as “The QC.”
The Clan Quest Grandmotha -
aka "MsK"

11-Aug-2014 07:02:45 - Last edited on 04-Mar-2018 08:22:24 by MsKonnan10



Posts: 811 Gold Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
ARTICLE III- Clan Purpose

The purpose of The QC shall be: (1) to promote comradery among its membership by sharing knowledge about, Runescape Quests, Runescape Tasks, and the Runescape game as a whole with no limitations or lack of inclusions. (2) to promote Clan Organization and Competition in any way that The QC** Members decide is in their want. (3) to provide coaching and administrative support to all members of the QC. (4) to support any individual endeavors by a QC member, regardless of rank or standing. (5) to provide a community for its members that allows for safe and fun participation in social Runescape Activities. (6) Any other purpose agreed upon by the government and membership of the clan not previously outlined.

ARTICLE IV- Official Clan Specifics

SECTION I- Determination & Public Presentation

The Official clan specifics for Clan Home World, Clan Chat, Clan Initials, and Clan Cape shall be determined by the governing body of The QC. This information shall be posted in a public manner, shall be provided to all new members, and shall not be changed without written formal notification from the clan government.
The Clan Quest Grandmotha -
aka "MsK"

11-Aug-2014 07:12:04 - Last edited on 11-Aug-2014 16:44:56 by MsKonnan10



Posts: 811 Gold Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
SECTION II- Clan Forums

As long as the runescape forums exist there shall be no less than two (2) clan threads. One thread shall serve as the Clan- Recruitment thread, which will serve as the primary base for recruitment of members into the clan. Another shall be the Clan- Home thread, which will serve as the primary forum thread for inter-clan communication. Other threads may be created at the discretion of the governing bodies and the clan membership. Any formal thread must reference all other formal thread QFC* somewhere on the first page.

External Websites for the clan shall be maintained without mandatory participation, or mandatory financing assistance from any member. Use of such mediums of communication must do so following the standards of Jagex LTD. Use of these mediums shall be determined by the Clan Government and Clan Membership.
The Clan Quest Grandmotha -
aka "MsK"

11-Aug-2014 07:13:10 - Last edited on 13-Mar-2016 20:33:21 by MsKonnan10



Posts: 811 Gold Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile



~!~ ~!~ Our Clan Logo ~!~ ~!~
The Clan Quest Grandmotha -
aka "MsK"

11-Aug-2014 07:33:32 - Last edited on 22-Mar-2015 21:30:46 by MsKonnan10



Posts: 811 Gold Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
ARTICLE V- Clan Organization Structure

SECTION I- General Clan & Clan Government

The QC organization shall be composed of two bodies, the “General Clan” and the “Clan Government”.

The QC General Clan shall serve as: (1) the legal term to describe the clan and all of its members, (2) the body which includes all governing persons and non-governing persons, and (3) Be used to describe the body at large when determining public issues that are brought before the clan as a whole to decide.

The QC Government shall serve as: (1) The body of actors, serving to govern the clan as a whole, (2) be composed of members of the General Clan, (3) Be held responsible for the continuing survival of the clan, (4) Operate as outlined in this Constitution, and (5) Act in manner permissible by General Clan.

SECTION II- Government of Clan

The QC Government shall be composed of two branches, the legislative / executive branch, and the judicial / executive branch.

The Legislative branch shall hold absolute legislative and executive authority within the clan government. The legislative branch shall be composed of two councils, each council containing their own level of councilmen. The High Council shall be composed of QC Members holding spots in the high council. The Lower Council shall be composed of QC Members holding spots in the low council. The High Council shall have greater power than the low council.

The Judicial branch shall hold judicial authority greater than the low council. The judicial branch shall be composed of one council, The Honor Council.
The Clan Quest Grandmotha -
aka "MsK"

11-Aug-2014 07:39:43 - Last edited on 11-Aug-2014 16:48:39 by MsKonnan10



Posts: 811 Gold Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
SUBSECTION I- The Low Council

The Lower Council is responsible for the management of daily clan functions including Clan Chat Management, Forum Bumping, event planning and management, accepting/ denying of applications for membership, Judgment of violations regarding the Revised Code, and any other responsibilities or privileges as defined by the high council's current policy at any given time.

SUBSECTION II- The High Council

The High Council is responsible for all QC Operations including: all rights and responsibilities of the low council, all ranking of members, accepting/denying applications for war, planning and operation of formal clan events with other clans, and any other rights and responsibilities attributed the high council by the General Clan without limitation.

SUBSECTION III- The Honor Council

The Honor Council shall have the authority to handle appeal of judgements made by the Low Council regarding the The Questing Clan Revised Code, distribute punishment based on non-compliance with the Canon of ethics, audit clan government, mediate general clan member disputes, and pre-review amendments to Charter for editorial and judicial review.
The Clan Quest Grandmotha -
aka "MsK"

11-Aug-2014 07:48:48 - Last edited on 11-Aug-2014 16:50:46 by MsKonnan10



Posts: 811 Gold Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
SECTION III- Council Officer Selection/ Removal

The QC Councils shall be organized as outlined in this constitution. The Officer’s of these councils shall be selected or removed as follows.

SUBSECTION I- High Council

With exception of the clan creators and members holding the admin rank during ratification of this charter, the Admin rank shall be granted to any General, who, has demonstrated exemplary loyalty to the clan and the clan interests, has acted as an example to all fellow clansmen, and has maintained active participation in the clan for a period acceptably long enough as determined by the current active members of the high council. Coupled with these requirements, the General must then obtain a two-thirds (2/3)(67%) agreement vote of all currently active Admins.


A player may obtain the rank of Low Councilor when they have fulfilled certain requirements: (1) Hold active and full clan membership, and (2) possess a current Quest Cape, and (3) receive active nomination and positive support from current active low councilors or current active high councilors where a low councilor’s vote counts for 1 and a high councilor’s vote counts for 2.


Honor Council Leader: Shall be voted to position for life term assuming player maintains activity requirements suitable for position as determined by High Council. Player shall be voted by a majority vote of the general clan.

Honor Council Members: shall be assigned to their position by the Honor Council Leader.

SUBSECTION IV- Removal of officer

Removal of rank for any officer requires a majority vote of all person holding equal rank, or a 1/3 vote of all person in a higher ranking bracket. Bracket order shall stand as Low Council equal to Honor Council lesser to High Council.
The Clan Quest Grandmotha -
aka "MsK"

11-Aug-2014 07:54:31 - Last edited on 11-Aug-2014 16:52:08 by MsKonnan10



Posts: 811 Gold Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
SECTION IV- Non-Council Officers

The High and Low councils shall be allowed to assign individuals not part of either council with specific responsibilities and privileges. Any player holding those special ranks shall be attributed non-voting positions on the the low council and granted minimal powers associated with the low council on a case by case basis.
The Clan Quest Grandmotha -
aka "MsK"

11-Aug-2014 07:55:02 - Last edited on 11-Aug-2014 16:53:21 by MsKonnan10



Posts: 811 Gold Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
ARTICLE VI- Membership and Ranking

SECTION I- Membership Requirements and Limitations

For a player to obtain membership into the QC and maintain their membership perminantly they must: (1) Possess a Runescape membership, (2) have previously maintained a Runescape membership within the last six [6] months, or (3) possess a minimum of fifty million [50m] total experience.

And all possible members shall: (1) maintain the aforementioned requirements to membership, (2) maintain active play, as determined by the high council, (3) properly represent the QC in all activities, QC sanctioned or not, (4) complete a probationary period for entrance to clan, and (5) have a minimum percentage of quests completed, as determined by high council.

And all members should but are not required to (1) attend as many clan meetings as possible, (2) actively participate when possible in any QC sanctioned events, (3) maintain a serious mind frame (4) demonstrate a desire to improve one’s Runescape skills especially in the field of Questing, (5) seek to recruit new members to the clan, and (6) Operate as a formal representative of the QC in all Runescape Endeavors.

Fulfilling the mandatory requirements aforementioned, a person shall be considered a member, and shall accordingly be due certain rights and privileges with the QC. These include: (1) the right to equal vote on Clan Issues placed before the membership at large, (2) The right to use the name of the QC in any forum signature, (3) the right to address themselves as a member of the QC during play, and (4) the right to request assistance from the QC for any Runescape needs, specifically with regard to clan competition.
The Clan Quest Grandmotha -
aka "MsK"

11-Aug-2014 07:55:16 - Last edited on 11-Aug-2014 16:54:26 by MsKonnan10



Posts: 811 Gold Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
However, if in the event that a person fails to meet the mandatory requirements previously mentioned, the QC reserves the right to deny membership. Only in special circumstance may a person be granted Membership if the aforementioned mandatory requirements are not met. If a person gets the approval of the majority active High Councilors in the clan, they may obtain membership.

If in the event that a person was previously a member but fails to meet the mandatory requirements aforementioned for any reason, The QC reserves the right to review the member’s case and revoke their membership at any time following this deficiency.
The Clan Quest Grandmotha -
aka "MsK"

11-Aug-2014 07:55:30 - Last edited on 11-Aug-2014 16:56:01 by MsKonnan10

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