

Quick find code: 90-91-889-65657303



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SECTION II- Probation Period

Players not meeting our clan requirements may participate in the Clan Chat. With that said, joining our clan and becoming a full member is not intended to be easy.
If a player wishes to join our clan, they may apply to our clan at a location designated by the High Council. The player's application is reviewed and the players is granted a probationary membership. After fulfilling the time line specified by the High Council, and passing all screening process in place a player may be granted full membership.

And all members should but are not required to (1) attend as many clan meetings as possible, (2) actively participate when possible in any QC sanctioned events, (3) maintain a serious mind frame (4) demonstrate a desire to improve one’s Runescape skills especially in the field of Questing, (5) seek to recruit new members to the clan, and (6) Operate as a formal representative of the QC in all Runescape Endeavors.

Fulfilling the mandatory requirements aforementioned, a person shall be considered a member, and shall accordingly be due certain rights and privileges with the QC. These include: (1) the right to equal vote on Clan Issues placed before the membership at large, (2) The right to use the name of the QC in any forum signature, (3) the right to address themselves as a member of the QC during play, and (4) the right to request assistance from the QC for any Runescape needs, specifically with regard to clan competition.
The Clan Quest Grandmotha -
aka "MsK"

11-Aug-2014 07:55:44 - Last edited on 13-Mar-2016 19:31:27 by MsKonnan10



Posts: 811 Gold Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
If a player wishes to join our clan, they may apply to our clan at a location designated by the High Council. The player's application is reviewed and the players is granted a probationary membership. After fulfilling the time line specified by the High Council, and passing all screening process in place a player may be granted full membership.


Clan ranking shall be determined by the High Council on a quest point and clan fealty based ranking system.
No person shall obtain a Low or High council officer position without the possession of quest point cape at rank assumption.

SECTION IV- Activity requirements.

Activity requirements of The QC Shall be as follows.

A member within the period of one calendar month must do one of the following actions to be considered active: (1) complete a quest, (2) obtain 100,000 experience points in any combination of skills, (3) post a single post on either the clan home, or clan recruitment thread.

Activity may also be determined by attendance at Mandatory Events. However, attendance at these events is not actually mandatory, as members may choose to post their intent of absence on the current clan home thread, and are then considered to be under excused absence.

Note- Activity shall –not- be defined as: (1) Actively participating in informal clan events, (2) Actively participating in the clan chat channel, or (3) Actively posting in clan threads.
The Clan Quest Grandmotha -
aka "MsK"

11-Aug-2014 07:56:00 - Last edited on 11-Aug-2014 17:09:08 by MsKonnan10



Posts: 811 Gold Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile

The QC shall have two documents that outline the laws of the QC.

The Revised code shall serve as the article for which the Low and High council may enact their Executive authority.

The Canon of Ethics shall serve as the article for which the Honor Council may enact their Judicial authority.

SECTION I- The Questing Clan Revised Code.

(1) All Jagex Rules Apply
(2) No Insulting/ Offensive Behavior
(3) No Spamming
(4) Conflict? Deal with it out of the chat!
(5) If during the process of being in the clan you change your name to something we deem inappropriate or offensive, you will be banned. Clan members shall post notice of any name change.
(6) All members must be actively present in the Clan Chat Channel (CC) during specified meeting times (most notably after the release of a new quest or diary).
(7) When new quests or diaries come out, all members should move to the clan home world, and join the cc.
(8) Keep off sensitive topics if it becomes apparent you are causing conflict. Religion, politics, etc.
(9) All Clan Members must abide by our Canon of Ethics.*
(10) No Profanity
The Clan Quest Grandmotha -
aka "MsK"

11-Aug-2014 07:56:17 - Last edited on 11-Aug-2014 17:10:28 by MsKonnan10



Posts: 811 Gold Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
(1) First and foremost of the QC Rules is the fact that all Jagex rules apply. Serious disregard of Jagex Rules will be treated at the discretion of the witnessing officer. Policy of the clan would suggest inter-clan policing, however, serious offenses should be reported to Jagex by all witnessing members. All members should keep this fact in mind. Any member of the clan who maliciously disregards a Jagex rule will be reported.

(2) The Clan leadership will not tolerate Insulting/ Offensive Behavior. Our clan is designed to function as a community, and as such, should not be filled with negativity or antagonization. We will warn or calm down people who become frustrated; we do not expect complete and utter perfection, however, we will not accept the behavior if it is common place. Each situation shall be handled at the witnessing officer’s discretion. Be warned, if it becomes an issue, you will be banned.

(3) Spamming shall be defined as excessive, unconstructive, or purposefully disrupt messages in the clan chat channel. The QC Leadership will not tolerate this at all. If spamming occurs continuously, you will be kicked, and possibly banned.

(4) We do not want arguments in the Clan Chat. Any excessively abusive arguing shall be deemed insulting/offensive behavior, and is grounds for kicking from the Clan Chat Channel. If you have an argument with another member, feel free to ask an Admin, General, or Honor Council member for help, or deal with it via Private Message.

(5) When changing their name, a player should keep into consideration, they represent the QC. If a name is deemed inappropriate, the player may be banned until the name change is changed to something more appropriate. Admins and Honor Council Members hold the discretion to determine the appropriateness of a name. When a player changes their name they should post a notice on a Clan Quest forum thread.
The Clan Quest Grandmotha -
aka "MsK"

11-Aug-2014 07:56:33 - Last edited on 11-Aug-2014 17:12:17 by MsKonnan10



Posts: 811 Gold Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
(6) The purpose of the QC is to help with quests. When a new quest is out, join our cc. If you don’t, why are you a member of the QC?

(7) We have a clan home world so that we can better help each other. Please come to the present homeworld when a new quest or diary is released.

(8) The QC does not have a specific group of nationality, race, ethnicity, gender, political affiliation, or religion it associates with. It is ok to discuss your opinions or beliefs, but only if you do not become abusive or disruptive in doing so. Generals and Admins shall have discretion to determine if your becoming excessive.

(9) All clan members must abide by our Canon of Ethics

(10) Profanity has its place. The censors of Jagex allow you to say the word, and not offend anyone. It can be funny, but remember, some players are not old or experienced with the profane language. Speak in a respectful, non-offensive manor whenever possible. Abuse of Profanity will result in kick or ban.
The Clan Quest Grandmotha -
aka "MsK"

11-Aug-2014 07:56:47 - Last edited on 11-Aug-2014 17:14:17 by MsKonnan10



Posts: 811 Gold Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
SECTION II- The Canon of Ethics


Members of Clan Quest are expected to conduct themselves ethically toward our visitors and each other, as members of a united community, and as leaders guiding the clan. Ethical behavior is a source of pride within Clan Quest. Some clans may tolerate infighting, name-calling, poor manners, and cliques, but Clan Quest strives for dignity and respect. This higher standard keeps our clan strong.

Rules and ethics are not the same

A rule is a requirement we must follow. If we don’t, there are tangible consequences, whether small or large. For Clan Quest members, breaking a rule could result in anything from a quick verbal correction (Clan consequence) to the severity of a permanent ban from Runescape (Jagex consequence).

Ethics refer to actions, not rules. Ethics call for high standards of justice, fairness and respect. They call for compromise, willingness to accept others with very different ideas, and the patience to work out difficulties. Ethics can*t be “broken.” They might be ignored, but unlike the visible consequences of rule breaking, the results of unethical behavior are felt, not seen: disruption, disrespect, distrust, pain, anger - conflict instead of unity.

The Revised Code of Clan Quest incorporates all Jagex rules, many of which reinforce ethical action. The Clan adds a few additional rules designed to protect its members and enhance the welcoming helpfulness that sets the Clan apart. All Clan applicants must agree to uphold these ethical principles.
The Clan Quest Grandmotha -
aka "MsK"

11-Aug-2014 07:57:00 - Last edited on 11-Aug-2014 17:15:42 by MsKonnan10



Posts: 811 Gold Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile

Ethical Actions Toward Visitors: Clan Chat

Clan members are expected to represent the Clan honorably within the chat channel, whether talking to other members or to visitors. The primary purpose of the clan is the Clan Chat. This is where we share our knowledge about quests, lores, strategies, tips and tricks. Clan Quest is very public, hosting 5-15 visitors every day. This visibility puts a spotlight on our behavior and values.
Bossiness, criticism, sarcasm, complaining, and other negative speech are against the values of the clan. Therefore, the Clan places special emphasis on certain Jagex rules, and clarifies them with a few more to reinforce ethical behavior in the chat. These emphases include avoiding offensive speech or behavior, dealing with conflict privately, and not reporting clan members to Jagex for minor offenses. Following these ethical rules keeps the Clan Chat calm, helpful, and focused. If something “offensive” occurs, the ethical action is to not to argue or threaten to report, but to alert a Admins or General in private (pm). Members can be confident that Clan leadership knows what to do, and will do it.

Visitors to our clan will observe the high level of ethics we show toward each other. This characteristic will attract the finest quality of member to our clan.

Ethical Action Within the Clan Community

Clan members are expected to be “good neighbors“ to each other.
Clan members enjoy privileges such as off-site socializing and in-game fun. Everybody has an equal right to initiate activities, speak up in clan forums, contact leadership, propose changes, bring up concerns or complaints, expect fair solutions, and participate in every aspect of community life. Acting with integrity toward other “citizens” within this established community minimizes disruption or unhappiness, whether in the chat, offline, or off-site.
The Clan Quest Grandmotha -
aka "MsK"

11-Aug-2014 07:57:14 - Last edited on 11-Aug-2014 17:21:33 by MsKonnan10



Posts: 811 Gold Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Ethical Action Toward Other Members

Clan members are expected to treat each other respectfully at all times.
Every single clan member has fulfilled the membership requirements, and therefore has a right to courtesy and assistance. This does not depend on personality, conflict with others, poor decisions, or other flaws. Each of us has faults, yet we are all entitled to respect while pursuing our shared goal of completing the quests and diaries.
Not only do we have the duty to act ethically toward each other, we have the right to expect the same. Members should contact leadership if they feel unethical behavior is hurtful to themselves or the clan.
Gossip and/or flaming are never acceptable. This is for the well-being of the clan. Private conversation is just that, private, but public conversation in the chat or forums should reflect the ethical values we uphold in every other part of our shared clan life.

Ethical Action By Clan Leadership

Our Clan leadership is held to the highest standards of ethical behavior at all times. In return, Clan members are expected to support the Clan Leadership and its efforts to govern well. Clan Leadership must be honest, fair and helpful toward all members, and must represent the clan honorably both publicly and within the clan. It must provide an example for members of how to follow its own rules as well as Jagex rules.
The Clan Quest Grandmotha -
aka "MsK"

11-Aug-2014 07:57:25 - Last edited on 11-Aug-2014 17:22:51 by MsKonnan10



Posts: 811 Gold Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Over time, this Clan has developed a trustworthy structure. The High Council and Low Council have well-defined responsibilities and are in constant contact to fulfill them. Generals and Admins have clear roles and limits. Membership requirements are public and applied without bias. Rules are openly stated and enforced fairly.
Any member who believes another clan member or the leadership itself has acted unethically should contact the Honor Council. The Honor Council is another part of our Clan that sets us apart from others. It is a group of members whose responsibility is to mediate disputes and decide whether actions within the clan are fair and honorable.


In summary, ethical behavior is expected in all areas of Clan Quest life. We have a reputation among ourselves, and in public, for our fairness, respect, and helpfulness. We can be proud of this reputation and strive to maintain it. As a result, our Clan will continue to attract members of high character and integrity, making us a shining star among all of RuneScape‘s clans.
The Clan Quest Grandmotha -
aka "MsK"

11-Aug-2014 07:57:38 - Last edited on 11-Aug-2014 17:24:43 by MsKonnan10



Posts: 811 Gold Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile

ARTICLE VIII- Affiliation with Other Groups

The QC shall affiliate with any other clans sharing the interests of this clan. Affiliation must be done with a majority vote by the High Council.

ARTICLE IX- Nondiscriminatory Clause

The QC shall not discriminate on the basis of race, creed, religion, nationality, ancestry, gender, age, handicap, or ****** orientation in the selection of its members.

ARTICLE X- Amendments

Any amendments made to this charter must go through the following process: (1) a written proposal of the change(s) must be presented in a manner easily accessible to the general clan, and a majority of active high and active low council members voting in approval.

Any Member may propose a Constitutional Amendment.
The Clan Quest Grandmotha -
aka "MsK"

11-Aug-2014 07:57:51 - Last edited on 11-Aug-2014 17:26:41 by MsKonnan10

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