For Captain +
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Display name: Bizme
Rank: Captian
What resource did you work on? Ore, Charcoal and Bars
Did you max? If not, why? Yes
What day of the week did you work? Thursday and Friday
Display name: snozzi
Rank: sarge
What resource did you work on? ore klin bars
Did you max? If not, why? yup
What day of the week did you work? friday, also forgot to post that i capped the last 2 weeks also
Display name: Lifting Down
Rank: Recruit
What resource did you work on? A little of everything.
Did you max? If not, why? Yes
What day of the week did you work? Monday
Display name: Naratohobbo
Rank: Recruit
What resource did you work on?: Kiln, Mine, Obelisk, Furnace, and Loom
Did you max? If not, why?: I maxed (third week straight. I didn't know I had to post here to get the points or w.e)
What day of the week did you work?: Cant really remember...been a long week.
People to check out for inactivity/non members
-Hollowed One
-Smoke Cho
-Mage AGS KO
-Minnie Kitty
Display name: cigaM
Rank: Sergeant
What resource did you work on? Mining/Kiln
Did you max? If not, why? Yess
What day of the week did you work? Sunday - (01/02/15 GMT)