Username: lvl 3 troii
Total Levels: 902
Combat Level: 3
Time Zone/Country: australia.
How did you hear about this clan? searched for it
If you were recruited by a clan member, who?
How long have you been playing RuneScape? 4 years 0 months
Favorite skill: smithing and runecrafting
Favorite activity on RS: making gp from skills and socialising with other players
Other interesting facts about you: been looking for a social skilling clan maybe this is it
Hello, We currently made a new clan & looking for new members to join... We have a variety of thing & benefits in our clan,,,
Our clan has no rules to capping,,, u can cap what ever u feel like doing.
Clan World: 45
Citadel: Tier 3
Clan Members: 40 as of 22/02/2015
Clan Ranking System
New members are given the rank of Recruit, and cannot be promoted until the one week probation is over.
Promotions are based on total clan xp. Every 5m xp gained while in clan grants a promotion up to the rank of General.
Generals may receive the rank of Administrator for the use of the clan avatar.
Promotion into the ranks of Admin+ you must be a member of clan for a set amount of time as well as complete a series of challenges, gradually getting harder and more difficult as you rise through the ranks. There are two paths to choose from, a skilling or PvM challenge.
Administrator: 3 Months in clan. At least 30m clan xp. T70 Armor and T80 Weapons Req. Challenges: 500 Killcount of each GWD boss. (Kills already logged in tracker count) or a total level of 2000 or higher.
Organizer: 5 Months in clan. At least 50m clan xp. One set of T80 Armor and at least one set of T90 Weapons req. Challenges: At least 250 Kills on QBD, Nex, or KK or at least 5 99’s in non-combat skills and a total level of 2150 or higher.
Coordinator: 7 Months in clan. At least 100m clan xp. Multiple T80 Armors and Multiple T90 Weapons. Challenges: Reaper title or a total level of 2300 or higher.
Overseer: 9 Months in clan. At least 150m clan xp. T85 Armor and Multiple T90 Weapons. Challenges: 50 Kills of each boss or total level of 2400 or higher.
Deputy Owner: 1 Year in clan. At least 300m clan xp. T90 Armor sets (Will allow Sup. Elite Void as acceptable alternative) and T90 Weapons. Challenges: Final Boss title or Max Total
Username: lordvader5-4
Total Levels: 2014
Combat Level: 128
Time Zone/Country: england
How did you hear about this clan? i browsed as i felt it time i joined a clan
If you were recruited by a clan member, who? n/a
How long have you been playing RuneScape? _ years _ months 9 years on and off
Favorite skill: hard to say, i had the most fun getting 99 str
Favorite activity on RS: troll invasion or slaying
Other interesting facts about you: i have been playing runescape for half my life, thats pretty cool
Username: DnB Danc3
Total Levels: 2585
Combat Level: 138
Time Zone/Country: CET/The Netherlands
How did you hear about this clan? Looked on forums
If you were recruited by a clan member, who?
How long have you been playing RuneScape? About 8 years
Favorite skill: Dungeoneering and Combat
Favorite activity on RS: Allot of things
Other interesting facts about you: Looking for fun social clan, hopefully I found it