If some people want b/s and some don't why not do both..
Keep the current way everything is pced but instead change the < to a b and + to a s
~ will still be used and - can be used if wanted
How it would work based off x item at 50m
50b --> inb/nis from 49.5oc to 50m flat ( currently would be <50 )
49.5b --> inb/nis from 49oc to 49.5 flat ( currently would be <49.5 )
50s --> ins/nib from 50oc to 50.5 flat ( currently would be 50+ )
49.5s --> ins/nib from 49.5 flat to 50uc ( currently would be 49.5+ )
50~ --> comes from a older report of lets say 50.5b then an ins/nib that would be 49.5s or the other way around.
49-50 --> comes from a older report of legs say 49s then an inb/nis report that would be 50b
Don't feel like examples are needed but you want them ill make in a different post.
Just a thought
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08-May-2015 20:38:56