Hi guys, to answer your questions:
Alot of leader's are currently busy with real life stuff, we officially run on the forum time (U.K time) since we are a international clan we have many members from different countrys including the U.S.A . at the moment th reason i could think of why people are unactive is probablly because this starting school term is when all the examination are happening therefor people will be busy revising and doing work and stuff. if you are not busy with things, please try to stay active within the clan, i will make sure that it won't go un-noticed.
~ Sixth realm Co-leader: Jay
¸•**•. . .. ... `›.¸¸,,.‹º¹¹º›¸ . .. . -›¸
':,¸¸,,+¹`¨´'; .. . Jayesh .. °›.¸¸,,›'
;;;:;:::.:... ... ':,¸¸,,.
28-Apr-2011 20:32:38