Hmm, most of the time around the clock, whenever you entered the chat there would be someone around, but due to real life work, education etc. we've become more fixated to particular timezones, although I often see some non-clan players often in the chat.
I have a number of things on my "to do" list for the clan, which should hopefully up these levels a bit, in the very least.
Thanks for the notice Jay, it seems like the thread has been removed (must have gone off the 50th page, which is sad).
I'll have to update that section fairly soon.
Harry: There will be some chat changes, as well as forum ones. Extremely busy, sadly, but I'll release them all at a fairly similar time (within the next week, perhaps?).
its a super secret ultra classified cover up from viv, if ur lucky it'll get leaked 1 week before released.
>.< its like waiting for the news on the spending cuts
¸•**•. . .. ... `›.¸¸,,.‹º¹¹º›¸ . .. . -›¸
':,¸¸,,+¹`¨´'; .. . Jayesh .. °›.¸¸,,›'
;;;:;:::.:... ... ':,¸¸,,.
20-Oct-2010 19:43:21
- Last edited on
20-Oct-2010 19:43:58
Haha, don't get *tooooo* excited, as it's not quite life changing updates. They are pretty significant, but it depends how you see it.
Hopefully most of you will be getting a well deserved break from work/school etc. in the next week or so. During that time, hopefully we can make the most of it.
Just to clarify- yes ECT has vanished
Bombing 7000 is very busy IRL and does not play as much as he did
Mind (Ms Abbi) from WEB Events suggested that we get together to have something similar
Perhaps we can create a new pan-community event team (I am sure Town Sq, WFE, WEB, Equinox and TGNP will all help out)
Perhaps we should call an Event meeting sometime to discuss?