Ultistudios would like to invite you and your clan members to participate in an ultistudios film; you may find our thread at 201-202-833-63524260. We hope to see a few of you in one of our films soon!
im actually making a film for the venice film festivel, sadly im not acting
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':,¸¸,,+¹`¨´'; .. . Jayesh .. °›.¸¸,,›'
;;;:;:::.:... ... ':,¸¸,,.
should we ask the story plot or will the answer be along the lines of: theres one guy (lets call him jay) who goes around slaughtering noobs until 5 supermodels marry him and he ends up in a private island of the coast of cuba
Next month shall mark the 3rd anniversary of Sixth Realm - gosh, time flies... but I think we may have just the thing to remember and celebrate the occasion by.
No reason, by the way I still have to seek revenge for the whole "Drag Harry away from a paying Job and stick him down for 20 minutes listening to the developments of the Lummy Festival"