Guys im sorry about how i've acted tonight and how ive acted throughout during the clan camp update. I was bystander as i watched the clan tear itself apart during the days of constant fights. I was a bystander when i watched by events i feel i could of stopped just by a few words. I have witnessed some of the most disgraceful behavior towards me and other members, and the fact that i was bystander as i watched and let it happan. I watched members take no sympathy for thier actions not even the word sorry and the fact that i did nothing to make people learn from there actions drove me to a place where i thought i was going to leave the clan forever. It is always the most mature that stand back and do nothing when things arise, but what can they do but speak out, it is all lost hope when the clan is to soft on people and nobody learns. It was from this that generated the rage some people saw untill i did some thinking. I always thought that i was part of the solution, but i realize that i was part of the problem by getting involved. Every single fight or arguement i found myself being apart of it in someway or another. I understand why some of you blame me for alot of things, yet i still may disagree that i caused it, i am always part of the problem because i stood by and let it happan. I myself have also behaved in a distgusting way. I remember how i abused my clan admin powers just to ammuse myself, i single handed-ly nearly put it to a point where we asked questions about equality. I made myself the person when nobody took seriously not even the leaders, which made the communication between me and the members poor and brief, which split the clan into 2. I was mean and trolled members without a care in the world, just for my amusement i probablly made or could make the vast majority of the clan feel bad and i would be completely regardless of your feelings till you reached your limit.
¸•**•. . .. ... `›.¸¸,,.‹º¹¹º›¸ . .. . -›¸
':,¸¸,,+¹`¨´'; .. . Jayesh .. °›.¸¸,,›'
;;;:;:::.:... ... ':,¸¸,,.
06-Dec-2011 01:00:41