So annoying when pickpocketing ham members dont give buttons >.> now i need to complete digsite quest so i can pan for them <.<
¸•**•. . .. ... `›.¸¸,,.‹º¹¹º›¸ . .. . -›¸
':,¸¸,,+¹`¨´'; .. . Jayesh .. °›.¸¸,,›'
;;;:;:::.:... ... ':,¸¸,,.
The build tick passed a few hours ago, and there's some good news!
The citadel now displays the clans colours, motif and banners across the site and it looks altogether more homely.
Everything's working, and our upkeep is significantly less this week as we have now caught up with everything.
Here are the stats.
Next Build Tick: Thursday 13th October, 17:21/5:21pm forum, Jagex time
Resource Goals:
Lumber - 100/5000 (approximate)
Clan Targets:
More of the same from last week!
Plus, we'd like to see new faces (as well as old ones returning) down at the citadel - it's all coming together now, even our battlefield is taking shape.
We hope to work towards upgrades on certain buildings and of course, the not too distant tier 2
It would be really epic if F2P could also take part, but that's beyond our control.
Let's aim to create something that all members of Sixth Realm - F2P and P2P, veterans and newcommers alike - would be proud of.
~ V
06-Oct-2011 20:21:23
- Last edited on
06-Oct-2011 20:28:38
2 days on from the build tick, and I have to say that some people really have been giving it their all this time.
You guys are epic.
Pro skilling seen by:
Our current lumber resource/target stands at: 2439/5000
We can really build up a steady surplus here. Annoyingly (to us, heh) some of us have reached our individual resource caps, so all the help would be appreciated in building up your citadel!
From another corner of the island, Jayesh9's been working away at a layout in the battlefield, and in particular for capture the flag stylised games.