Application for the clan
What is your username: Noongaa
Do you have other accounts and list names? come fishin
What is your combat level: 97
What time zone are you: aest
What is your highest combat skill and what level is it: 78 str
What is your highest not combat skill and what level is it: 97 cooking
What is your total level: 1522
What minigame do you like to play the most:
What type of combat do you use most: strength
Do you agree to follow all the rules: yeah
Who recruited you:
,, sosolid cold
Do you have any 99's: no (will soon though)
You have been accepted into the Clan "Seekingglory"
Please check the forum often for updates and try to bump twice per week.And Have some FUN !!!!!!
~~``~~``~~Dont Fear the Evil Within~~``~~``~~
~~~~```~~~~```~~~~Embrace it~~~~```~~~~```~~~~
~~~~~```~~~~~```~~~~~for it will rule.
hmm had bandos event only me an evil with1n turned up an morzon. if your gonna say your coming to event please be there. we wasted over 1hr at gwds door for ppl that never showed up me an luke were pretty upset about this crap besides that we had alright time in the end
evil with1n
thanks for coming morzone
just living my best life
29-Jun-2010 15:12:11
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29-Jun-2010 15:17:45
Everyone when you update your skillcapes be sure to post firecape aswell if you have it, thankyou.
~~``~~``~~Dont Fear the Evil Within~~``~~``~~
~~~~```~~~~```~~~~Embrace it~~~~```~~~~```~~~~
~~~~~```~~~~~```~~~~~for it will rule.
29-Jun-2010 16:05:19
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29-Jun-2010 16:26:30
Application for the clan
What is your username: uiPerfection
Do you have other accounts and list names? No
What is your combat level: 104
What time zone are you: UK
What is your highest combat skill and what level is it: 83 Strength
What is your highest not combat skill and what level is it: 99 Fishing
What is your total level: 1590
What minigame do you like to play the most: Dung? If That Counts, Or Pest Control
What type of combat do you use most: I Prefer Range ATM
Do you agree to follow all the rules: Yes
Who recruited you: Serg
Do you have any 99's: Fishing and Fletching