i eat glue88 (oxy) rank- triple banana, 99 range skill cape, working on 99 def sometime in the near future.
i also like dogs, and long walks on the beach. i do dislike cats however so any ladys with cats who are interested please don't contact me. Furthermore if you do contact me i am to be reffered to as "King" james with a slight accent on the I to sound like an "A" so as to be redneck. if you agree to my terms and conditions and are physically able to kill a lion with your bare hands while feeding a parrot blindfolded than i will take you as my mate and start the slow process of schemeing to accomplish world domination.
thank you, and good luck!
.. ו¬·-.,¸ ... ,·• .................."Jack of all trades, master of nothing"..„„¸¸ ...... •·, ¸,.-·¬•×
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,´........... ¸,.--··•·•-¸ ... ¸„¤^*´¯¨;·*¨,´. ·•×I EAT GLUEו· `,¨*·;¨¯`*^¤„¸ ...... ¸-•·•··-..,¸ ........ `,
'·--·' ...... { .......... '·--·"¨ .......... '·.¸¸'·-„..-···••¤•88•¤••···-..„¸-·'¸,.·' ............ ¨"·--·' ........ } .. '·--·
07-Jun-2010 02:43:07