This document states the agreement on the new system for world 31, those who sign it may remove their name anytime before the document is enacted.
-The new thread shall only be used for land claims and wars; no discussions will be allowed on it
-the bare basics of rules shall be used, new ones being added if and when situation arises
-land-claiming shall be done the old ways, of eliminating npcs in local area
-revolutions shall not be recognized until they take their own clan identity and must war/challenge the mother clan to receive any land from it(unless given by mother clan)
-specific means of warring for land shall be named, so, as a clan on one side of the world will not be able to war for a random patch of dirt on another, specifics shall be discussed and then clarified on new thread
-clan-related businesses on world-31 are recognized by this system
Guardians of Realm(maloy10)-Yes
Empire of Zaros(Novem)-Yes
Morello (Rio Armani)-Yes
Bloodlines (The Five Squads) - Yes
Rudek (Arber162)- Yes
Royal Empire ( Rose 2110 +4 ) - Yes
The White Knights of World 31 (Jonathann226)
Nothing against you personally Ozz, but you don't have what it takes to be threadholder. You aren't active enough. Its always such a hassle for us to get you to update anything.
I also think before we make anything official, we need to add to rule 2. When new rules are needed, who decideds, and how? I think it should be a 90-95% majority for any new rule.
We should also add a basic standard set up rules for clan wars. Ie. one set map, killcount, all potions/magic/summoning/food and yes allies. If 2 warring clans can't agree on rules for war, they use the default one, no clans can force other clan to accept their rules.
But really, I think we should keep rules to a minimum. The only rules we need are basic clan wars rules and claiming process rules.
21-Mar-2012 18:39:30