I'm keeping Harmy out for now because he's giving me the impression that he's only here to skullf#&k Roi and run. You wouldn't let someone carrying a gun in their hand into your house just because they offer you candy. It's the same principle. Until Harmy convinces me he's not here to cause trouble, I vote no to letting him in.
Of course, I'm just one person. I'm not a clan leader, at that. This is EVERYONE's Coalition. Take a vote if you must.
05-Mar-2012 05:56:30 Last edited on 05-Mar-2012 06:07:15 by Jonathann226 Profile Highlight
Instead of forcing harmy out with rules, why don't we just let him join, and conquer him through actual war, not words. we can let him join, and if he/they is/are a problem, we can deal with him through war. I'm sure that with all of us allied together, we can handle almost any clan.
I steal this idea and name it my own! lets do this
Yes, I think we should welcome Harmy with open arms and nice pot of tea. Don't be such a sour puss Roi. Join with us and we will all be singing Kumbaya around a campfire. Wouldn't it be just lovely? <3