Hello. Me and some friends have just started a clan specifically for People that wanna do group Pvm or would like to be taught different bosses. Fed up with Elitists that either dont wanna help you learn or are impatient with teaching you and rage if you mess up? Whether you are experienced or not at bossing this is the perfect clan for you. We will help you learn the bosses you want to do and as a clan give you the best advice possible and help you to make mega gp so you can get top end gear and do top end Pvm.
-Easy ranking system based on boss kills/helping promote recruiting and being active within Clan Pvm events.
-Regular masses and Group Bossing
-Pvm Events to win GP
-Fun friendly atmosphere
-Always people down to do bossing with
-Clan Discord
-Capping is NOT mandatory
+ much more
Feel free to PM me in-game (Kingofbong0) or join as guest if interested in joining or would like people to boss with
06-Apr-2019 21:16:23