*****RP update*****
Director of Group 6, Avory Briggs, finally cornered his prey - Church - in a hovel in southern Varrock...however he got more than he bargained for, as Church blew him up, shredded him with shrapnel, choked him with poison gas, stabbed him repeatedly, then blew him up again. Anyone watching the carnage would be forgiven for thinking Church had some score to settle or something. 2 guards pursued the fugitive into another shack, where, after some...hands-on negotiations, they were convinced to listen to his story - Briggs was part of a corrupt plot to drag the Kingdom into a war in Morytania. Church asked to be arrested in order to gain access to the palace - and the proof he needed. A guard called May agreed to help him escape that night and gain access to Avory's office.
What will happen next? Will Church find the proof he needs to restore his reputation? Will the escape go as planned?
Does it ever?
You decide in the next RP!
23-Jun-2015 04:09:39