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Royal Address
July 7th, 2016
“How broken I was*.I wanted mine to be tied to his…” - Balis, cutting in and out on Discord
Welcome to this week’s edition of the royal address. Not much to cover this week, so lets get it over with.
=== War! What’s it good for? ==
Nothing, apparently. The war with the Last Kingdom has been canceled, however I’m sure General Condor has some other plans up his sleeve.
...and while you’re letting your blood lust simmer, head over to Lord Darius Verus’s Roleplay 101 class on June 15th.
Of course, if you can** subdue your lust, you can also attend the Kingdom’s new weekly pking trips, also hosted by Darius Verus.
=== So much filler you might need some novocaine ===
Because of a lack of drama this week, here’s a rundown of the Kingdom’s Subclans:
Dragon Knights: Specializes in PVM.
Rangers: A a savory mix of both PVP and roleplay.
Architects: The people you yell at when the Citadel plot you wanted so desperately to cap at is locked.
Guard: Varrock’s very own thespian troupe, in charge of defending the Kingdom lands with their fierce roleplaying skills.