AESOPs have been wondering if the beta play will effect the real game play. The answer is on today's Og Blog:
Nothing you earn, lose or level on the beta servers will remain afterwards, and nothing you do in the beta will affect the live game. This will not change!
-Mod Mark
25 JUNE 2012
Tuesday, June 26th, 2012
This week we are doing our final skillplot upgrades: the loom and bbq. The upkeep/upgrade numbers are:
270 blippos
102 stone
98 bars (+ 98 ore + 98 charcoal)
37 p bars (+ 37 p ore + 37 charcoal)
196 cloth
173 food/rations
182 logs if you want to chop, but the blippos should cover these for us.
This will leave you roughly 1300 to skill as you like. I have the logs, stone, and regular bars set to lock when we reach the total needed; you can still get mining, fm, & smithing on the precious bars. This way all the extra skilling you do will go to the dragon.
Please remember to always do your mining and charcoal gathering before you do your bars and p bars so you don't accidently use someone else's hard-earned resources!
Thanks all! YOU ROCK!!!
This weekend is the 1st official RS Beta event; the first of 4, I believe. The prize for participating in these events is a cool steampunk-themed outfit; check it out along with details of the first event (Castle Wars) at Quick find code: 307-308-2-63847247.
I hope to be able to make these events!
3 July 2012
All of our skillplots/buildings are now maxed at T7, so we will just have upkeep to do on them each week. These numbers won't change unless/until Jagex adds more skillplots to the citadels. For reference, the total upkeep numbers per week are:
7090 logs
2600 stone
3920 bars
4690 precious bars
8060 cloth
8920 food
What we each need to gather per week will be:
270 blippos
52 stone
79 bars (+ 79 ore + 79 charcoal)
94 P bars (+ 94 P ore + 94 charcoal)
162 cloth
179 rations/food
I'll re-post these numbers every week for you all.
And ~please~ gather your own ores/precious ores and charcoal no matter how much of each it says is available! Some ppl gather their ores and charcoal then take a break before making their bars and you may use up their supplies if you don't gather your own.
As far as our dragon, she still needs tons of precious bars, cloth, and rations/food. So please use your extra allotment on these things if possible.
I'm going to leave the tree unlocked so those of you that want to try for your wc rocks at the citadel can do so.
Thank you all!
I think Elly is planning on hosting the Trawler event on Saturday that we didn't get to last weekend due to The Big Crash, but I'm wondering if any of you would like to try the Castle Wars Beta event afterwards?