Hello Aesop!
Just a reminder our annual Olympics starts May 26th and runs thru Jun 9th. Start and finish times are 6PM EST.
This event is open to all Aesop members.
There will be 3 divisions to compete in:
AESOP Grand Champion
(most overall xp gained)
This is all your xp combined. Everyone will be entered into this category.
AESOP Champion of Combat
This will be calculated on your constitution xp
AESOP Skilling Champion
pick from individual skills (as many as you like) the most xp in that skill at the end of the Olympics wins.
Please let me know what individual skills you would like to enter (if you haven't already).
Wooooooot! It's going to be fun!
Citadel requirements for the week of 22 May 2012:
We are at 94% at the start of this tick; we should be able to finish the t7 upgrade this week!
The numbers are:
235 blippos (they will do the logs and stone needed for the weekly upkeep)
196 bars
205 p bars
292 cloth
208 food
This will leave some excess; please fill in with which ever resource you'd like.
Thank you!