Events and Schedule
Date of event:
18 OCT 16
Time of event:
06pm EST | 11pm UK
Type of event:
Fish Flingers
Mr Player
Meeting place:
Catherby lodestone
Any specifics:
No items required. Everyone is welcomed.
Date of event:
18 OCT 2016
Time of event:
7.30pm EST | 00.30 UK
Type of event:
Bossing: Nex
Mr Player
Meeting place:
Nex bank area
Any specifics:
Gearing up is made in the
meeting place
Get the frozen key (the 4 parts are dropped by monsters of each god in GWD1) as it is required. Ancient ceremonial robes (which can be bought at G.E.) are also required unless you want to get the kill count form Zeros monsters and that's strongly not recommended. Shard of Zaros is useful to avoid being attacked by GWD1 creatures.
For new people, your gear should be as best as possible (at least T80 weapons). Two combat styles are strongly recommended, mainly magic and ranged. Melee is not recommended unless you are experienced at Nex. Overloads (or extreme/restores potions) and prayer potions are also strongly recommended. Bring food and a familiar as well.
More details about Nex are explained before the event. If you are new, I advise you to watch some tutorials.