Clan Council
º l|l º
º l|l º
In-Game name:
Mr Player
Time spent with clan (Guess):
5 or 6 months?
Your 100% honest opinion on the clan so far:
Probably the most organised clan I've ever seen.
Have you had previous Leadership Experience:
Are you willing to accept the responsibilities of a leader:
Do you have the time to be part of the council:
What are you wishing to do as a Leader to enjoy yourself and have fun:
Hosting as many events as I can a week, to break the skilling monotony, and helping the leadership of the clan in order to reach its goals.
Offsite/Discord access may be required, is this a problem:
What Staff positions would you like for Events (at least 1 or more):
Minigames/D&D's and Bossing events (but not limited to these ones). I just dont take the Misc position because I am not sure whether I can or not host at least 3 events every week. But I'll try my best.
What Staff positions would you like for Support (at least 1 or more):
Deputy in training.