Current Display name: SD Quiggles
Rank in clan: Captain
Have you fully read the forums: Yes
Are you willing to spend your own free time to help others: Most Defiantly
Do you understand what to do as a mentor: Yes
Hey guys Shortbus Allstars is recruiting new members...we are a small clan and pretty new. If you would like to join please message me on discord. My discord name is Quiggs#2280. I will talk to you on there. Hope to see you!
Date of event: 8 JAN 17
Type of event: parade
Time of event: 8:20pm
Time spent: 2h
Host: me
cody strag
mr player
sd lomlom
tapped out
sd quiggles
Hey everyone, I regret to inform you that I will be leaving the clan to concentrate on some irl issues. I will miss you all it has been a great time, if anyone wants to keep in contact please add me
I'd like to thank tyras for the opportunity of being in this amazing clan and I hope it grows to be exactly what you want it to be! Hopefully one day in the future I will be able to return!
Sir Rathma
Hey everyone, I regret to inform you that I will be leaving the clan to concentrate on some irl issues. I will miss you all it has been a great time, if anyone wants to keep in contact please add me
I'd like to thank tyras for the opportunity of being in this amazing clan and I hope it grows to be exactly what you want it to be! Hopefully one day in the future I will be able to return!
Thanks Law
I hope you come back soon brother. Good luck!
Success is 98% hard work, 1% inspiration and 2% attention to detail.