I wanted to post that we are still alive and well after 9 years.
This halloween from the 17th to the 24th we did a week long events.
We had costume contests in which.. divine, funny, scarey and
look like your pet! We had a great time doing those.
Everyday we did 2 or 3 events and on Saturday the 24th we had a
dancing party at citadel, got drunk and had fun on the dance floor.
then we headed off to the Falador Party Room!!
We had over 1.8 bil worth items dropped. I know i got a Masterwork
spear of annihilation which in itself was 410m.
We try to do this every year in April but this year things were just off
with the Corona Virus and stuff, so we moved our week of events
here to October and Halloween!!
So, I also wanted to let everyone know that they are welcome to
visit our chat.
Thanks to all who came, helped and stayed around!! Thanks too for
all the people who dropped stuff at Falador Party Room, I know I
had a fantastic time!!
Happy Scaping!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
The richest person is not who has the most. It is who Needs the least.
28-Oct-2020 00:58:51