99 Construction is on my to-do list, but it's not set in any order. I suppose it's like Farming & Herblore: a little bit at a time adds up and eventually get me to 99. Unlike Farming (where I have a large store of seeds) or Herblore (I have a decent amount of herbs thanks to my kingdom & Farming), Construction costs with every exp I earn and I am running out of money. So with killing aviansies, I earn a good amount of cash AND train up the Range skill.
Lady I was afraid to enter the GWD as well and avoided the place for a long time. But if you wear even a single item from each god (Armadyl, Bandos, Zamorak & Saradomin) you will not be attacked (unless you start a fight and then it's only 1 on 1). You don't have to go near the boss rooms, in fact, you don't even have to go into any of the god's bases. The central room, where you first enter, has all the different types of monsters from each faction killing each other right there and as long as you are wearing an item from each god, they ignore you.
If you just want to check it out, wear an item from each god (doesn't matter what as you are just looking) stock up with a teleport and heaps of food and just go for a look. Once you see it and understand how it works, it's not scary.
21-Jan-2011 22:00:47