\±±/ RSB Community Ladder \±±/
This is a joint vote to select the new Threadholder and to determine the dismissal of an invidual who has recently caused trouble on the ladder with her actions. When and if participating in the vote with the dismissal, please put the name of the candidate next to your clan name that you wish to vote for. Anyone who chooses not to vote will be considered anstained, if you no** wish to vote for a candidate, put your clan name and candidate in the abstained category.
Clan A, Candidate B.
place that in whichever category your voting whether it be For, Against, or Abstain. The category you vote in does not effect the representitive you choose.
Candidates for next Threadholder.
- Slowoni Un1t
- ZE Founder
Player to be dismissed.
- Jarobal1305.
- 23/10/10
- 30/10/10
Voting to remove Jarobal1305 as representative for WoF. Her contempt for this ladder, and the threadholder show she is not a good representative for her clan, or this ladder. She has repeatedly brought this ladder into a flame war by her actions, and repeatedly made attacks on those trying to keep this ladder going.
All votes for, place your clan name in the space below:
All votes against, place your clan name in the space below, and why you are against it.
24-Oct-2010 03:58:22