I started playing RS3 3 days ago. I'm looking at guides now, and one of them said to join a guild asap for the citadel bonus exp. I spoke as a guest today, the response I got was funny.
• Username: Loose Lucy
• Combat Level: Dunno how to find that
• Weapons: Staff of air
• Armour: Blue wizard robes
• Herblore Level: 10
• Summoning Level: 50. I afk'd at a portal.
• Prayer Level: 53+ I'm doing this now, just waiting for another host.
• PvM (Bossing) Experience: Zero
• Prifddinas Access (Elven City) (Y/N): N
• Discord Name? ( name#number ) :
•Do you want to learn certain bosses? if so, which ones?: All of them, but I'm still learning the basics.
•What do you like doing ingame?: Divination is pretty cool. I learnt about world 84 today, that was an experience.
•Are you willing to help build the clan/ being a member of the staff team? I am willing to learn this game.
•Do you have any questions for us?( anything allowed
): I'm really new to RS3 so I'm sure I'll be asking dumb questions when I can't find the answers on youtube.
Hello there, been playing RS3 since another lockdown and really getting into it now, looking for more people to play with and have an overal more nice experience!
• Username: MacnPosh
• Combat Level: 88
• Weapons: Sara staff, D2H, Rcb
• Armour: lunar, Rune, blue D'hide
• Herblore Level: 61
• Summoning Level: 29
• Prayer Level: 60
• PvM (Bossing) Experience: minimal
• Prifddinas Access (Elven City) (Y/N): N, trying to get there
• Discord Name? ( name#number ) : laurentdd#3751
•Do you want to learn certain bosses? if so, which ones?: Not a specific boss but love to learn all of them over time.
•What do you like doing ingame?: PvM in general, might be slayer or trying other bosses if possible
•Are you willing to help build the clan/ being a member of the staff team? : Yes, anywhere I could help
•Do you have any questions for us?( anything allowed
): not really, have a nice day
• Combat Level: 70...for now...damn grind kinda burned me out for a bit.
• Weapons: Yes, I have them. I Smith. (63) -Melee, Bow, Wand/OH
• Armour: Of course. That would be a felony otherwise... Defense 60-soon
• Herblore Level: None. I stopped doing herb after I got arrested. Parole's a ...well, you know.
• Summoning Level: Not yet, working on combat, smithing, and building my habitat. but I plan to start at some point.
• Prayer Level:38 I always pray, bud. Even fought creepy ass hand-pile south of Lumbridge.
• PvM (Bossing) Experience: I want to, but damn if it aint hard AF to find people who dont wanna be lonely all the time.
• Prifddinas Access (Elven City) (Y/N): Not yet, is it cool there? I will work on this if it is cool there like Menaphos.
• Discord Name? ( name#number ) : Will44127Kirril#8782 (normally I get complimented/ flirted with before I hand out my number... Just sayin, no play w/o foreplay, yo.)
•Do you want to learn certain bosses? if so, which ones?: All of them that I can do.
•What do you like doing ingame?: Im so all over the place...I like killing things, doing quests with cool stories involved, making things, selling and shopping, and helping new people by humbly showing off.
•Are you willing to help build the clan/ being a member of the staff team?: Of course, I always pay my dues. I ran/ helped run many guilds/clans in so many games, I would feel like Im bragging if I said more.
•Do you have any questions for us?( anything allowed
): What is the discord info? Are yall active, I applied for a lot of clans, but nobody is ever online. I play in the evenings as I Doordash for my 1200 a week. So I work a lot; like 10-12 hr/day. I get home after the kids and wife are sleeping so I have a couple hours to play at night between 2000hrs-0100hrs EST-US. Just letting you know so you know whats up. Oh and I played back in 06-08 then again in 14' then again in 18'....a lot has changed but I catch on fast AF.