¸,•º´`º•,¸,•º´`º•,• -¤- T...E...P -¤-
..............`º•;¸,•º'• -¤- PvE Social -¤-
..................`º•,¸,•º• -¤- Clan Application -¤-
I swear i just filled this out, but it's not showing up, so i hope it does not double post.
• Runescape Name: Tobuae
• Combat Level: 91
• Total Level: 1358
What is your favorite activity or skill? Currently Slaying. I like the variety of mobs it sends me after. Also enjoy mining and and smithing.
What are your goals in RS? Currently to get my combat to 100+ after that I want to level my skilling stuff a bit. After that.... Whatever I find that i enjoy
Previous clans you where in? I haven't played in years, so i don't remember.
Do you understand breaking our rules may result in a kick? yes i do
Did a current member of T...E...P recommend our clan? If so, who? no, I found your post in the forum
26-Jan-2017 04:24:46