†Combat level? 111 (F2P)
†Total level? 1403
†Strength level? 85
†Attack level? 85
†Ranging level? 85
†Magic level? 70
†Defense level? 99
†Hp level? 93
†Prayer level? 64
†Favorite skill? Bankstanding
†Highest Combat skill level? Defence (99)
†Highest Non-Combat skill level? Agility/Mining (65)
†Goals? Nothing noteworthy
†Any Level 99's? Yes (Defence)
*What Clan Were You In Before? Way of War
†Will you be loyal and active? As long as I am a member, yes.
*What timezone do you live in? Estern Standard Time (GMT -5:00)
†Did you read the rules? Crocky that's a big one!
*What God do you wish to serve? Saradomin
†Will you come to at least 2 events a week? Yes'sir
†On the days you are online, will you bump the clan thread atleast once? I can be pretty forgetful at times, but I'll set a reminder on my phone.
†What can you contribute/do for this clan? I can come to events, I can be fun to talk to, and I have a lot of experience in the F2P clanning world.
†How did you find out about this clan, and did someone recruit you? I found out about The 3 Gods Empire via former members in Way of War. (Namley Grim Reaper and IMurkH8rs)
†Do you prefer combat (melee/ranged/mage), Skilling, socialising, Others (please state)? Socialising.
†Additional Information? Hey