-----------------------History of The Capone family on Runescape---------------------
Footballma56 - He started his mafia career in the Capone Family, under Chiefpacman. Chief then had to leave the Capones, and he quickly made Football his replacement. When Foot was Don Capone he brought the Family to new heights, and made them a force not to be messed around with. After retiring for a short while, Foot came back as Don Capone.
Despite the fact the Capones were created in November of 2008, they did not come to light and power until early 2009. Under the leadership of Footballma56, Capones entered a Golden Age in which new faces were entered into the Network. One being Waitinhere, Godfather to Divante and a CEO of Mafia in Focus.
Divante quickly grew as a branch of the Capones by Fbm, but it was later brought under WaitinHere's conrol.
During this time tensions between Divante and Genovese grew and a war broke out. Controversies on both sides of the battle made it hard to declare a winner, however tensions did decrease.
In 2018 on february the 5th, The Capones are back in Oldschool runescape under the leadership of Word Play.
26-Jan-2018 02:38:31
- Last edited on
27-Jan-2018 01:45:00
Anders Enga