Scratch Me
Cb level 33, starting with a new account since I've forgotten my password to the old one. Started again a few days ago, am a member. Thanks.
Hello, just started OSRS I got tired of RS3 and may only be level 30, but will quickly advance. I don't have any friends on OS currently and was just looking for a friendly clan to skill or PVM with. my PM is always on... feel free to message me I hope you guys accept me
@ PDX Andrew - You have accepted applications on several recruitment threads for clans which you are not a member of. This is spam and disruptive to those clans' recruitment threads. Your posts have been removed.
Hi id like to join ur clan haven't played it the last four years and only stared a few days ago I'm on lvl 40 also all rounded in most skills. I picked godless title in game because I don't believe in any other but Jesus Christ