5.4B xp eventually
Hello ITheD0CT0RI, I am having problems adding you to my friends list so can you add me and when i am online send me a message so that I can add you to my friends list and add you to the clan? Please reply back. Thank you for your patience.
Friendly Scapers (RS3 Clan)
Revenant Imp (Group Bossing)
Roaming Revenants
30-Oct-2011 14:16:53
- Last edited on
30-Oct-2011 14:25:32
Revenant Imp
Hello again lThe D0CT0Rl. I think I have managed to add you now it says last known as I'm physiol or something like that. Can you just confirm this with me that i have added the right person and that the things at the beginning and end of your name are L's and not I's. Once again thank you for your patience.
Friendly Scapers (RS3 Clan)
Revenant Imp (Group Bossing)
Roaming Revenants
im lvl 43 combat, been playing for 3 days. meaning im only getting stonger. im a melee, and focus mostly on strength attack and def. i am also high lvl cooking and wood cutting and fire. as i gather and cook my own food while on the "road".