Hello, I want to join this clan.
My combat lvl is 119, my total vl is 1117 with focus on mining and smithing and I love to help other, less skillfull people.
Hey Clumsybumsy, we would love to have you in the clan
Just pm Adam Mckeown, or if he is offline then join our clan chat as a guest and ask for an invite. Anyone ranked lieutenant (bronze star) or higher will be able to recruit you.
Hi ClumsyBumsy. I like your attitude in general, helping other players of (majority lower skill) is something I like to do as well.
I'll add you and we can talk in game. Maybe stay in my friend's chat as this is easier for me. Thanks.
Friendly Scapers (RS3 Clan)
Revenant Imp (Group Bossing)
Roaming Revenants