I used to be a free player of this game, but I recently got back into it as a member. I'm not really sure what to do because it has been a solid 5 years since I last played, but I've put down the sticks for a mouse and keyboard to play quests and other multi-user events. I'd like to join to meet and play with some people who at least have a better idea than I do of the game lol
I am a returning player. Just starting out with this brand new character. I have not played in 5 or so years. Lots of changes. Hoping to make this a pure acct.
What world are you normally on? I just started last week, btw, lol.
CKurtz23 if you wish to join the clan join the clan chat in game and ask we will sent someone to invite you to join the clan from there. I am sorry no one have told you sooner. Please forgive us.
Utredt, if you wish to join the clan join the clan chat in game and ask we will sent someone to invite you to join the clan from there. I am sorry no one have told you sooner. Please forgive us.
Demon Tori
19-Feb-2018 13:41:05
- Last edited on
19-Feb-2018 13:41:42
Saint Tori
Hello, I am sorry some people have felt ignored from me the past few months. I haven't been viewing the forums as much as I have been previously because I've been busy with hosting clan events in discord.
That being said, I will be making some changes to the Godz Of War recruitment forum. These changes will mean people will no longer need to post on the forum to be invited (Unless they did not read the original post that I am going to update). There will be a list of clan representatives on there that you will be able to PM for questions about the clan and about requesting an invite. It will mean if I am offline, you will still be able to receive clan access if one of those representatives are online. It is also a perfect solution for those who do not know how to guest a clan chat channel.
The problem with posting on the forum is that you're going to get the same response asking you to PM us in-game or guest the clan chat channel. It is therefore much better that you try to communicate with us in-game rather than on the forums, because I do not read these very often nowadays. It is mainly to spread awareness that we exist. Also the people who are posting coolbump are not a part of our clan, they are a forums service who help to keep people's threads near the top every few days to grant exposure for threads where the OP may not always have time they are willing to spend bumping them.
It is not that I am intentionally ignoring anyone, it is just that I do not spend nearly as much time navigating this forum thread. You should aim to PM one of the clan representatives in-game instead. The list will be on the first post of this thread soon of all the people you'll be able to get into contact with.
Friendly Scapers (RS3 Clan)
Revenant Imp (Group Bossing)
Roaming Revenants
I will be on the forums as much as I can. So if I do miss one I am truly sorry. I hope you all have a great and safe day. Please if you want to join the clan I will be on here a lot more.
We are on all the worlds so if you would like to join i will be able to add you just added me in game I will hope to your world. Plus if you need any help feel free to ask. I hope this helps you. I look forward to seeing you on the game.
We are on all the worlds so if you would like to join i will be able to add you just added me in game I will hope to your world. Plus if you need any help feel free to ask. I hope this helps you. I look forward to seeing you on the game.