1.What is your total combat level? 138
2. What is your highest combat skill? Atk/Hp
3. What is your favorite combat skill? Attack
4. What bosses have you done? Gw1,2. Rax, a little Nex and beastmaster.
5. What is your favorite boss? Rax/Vindy
6. What bosses would you like to learn? Ed3 Telos
7. What is your total level? 2696
8. What is your highest skill level? 107 Invention
9. What is your favorite skill? Farming
10. Are you willing to cap? Yeah
11. Do you have any event suggestions? N/A
12. Have you belonged to a clan? Elite Undertakers, Notorious Xp. left on own accord nothing else.
13. What was your reason for leaving/being kicked? 1st clan because i had taken a long break. 2nd small pvm clan i found when rebuilding and trash farming ed3 its kinda small and not very active.
14. How did you find our clan? Examined a guy doing araxxor and searched up the forums.
15. Do you understand and agree to follow our Clan and Discord rules? Yea
10-Mar-2020 00:29:45