Combat Level:94
Attack Level:83
Strength Level:73
Defence Level:70
Hitpoints Level:77
Prayer Level:62
Range Level:71
Magic Level:65
Agility Level:67
Skill Total:1450ish
How did you hear about Aus Elites? Heard about it in game from another Aussie
Why would you like to join this clan? Never been in a clan before and thought it might be good to see how it goes with some fellow aussies
Do you have any bossing experience? Not particularly
Interested in using Discord? Not sure what it is I’ve mainly been a casual player
Have you read and do you meet our requirements? From all I’ve seen I do meet the set requirements
Do you understand our rules? Yes
If this applies to you, please state your previous clan, and why you left them?
26-Aug-2019 08:29:35