Preferred Name: Sunnie
Combat Level: 87
Total Level: 1332
Favorite Skill: Fishing! <><
Least Favorite Skill: Summoning. (It's a lot of $. My pockets burn.)
What do you like to do in RuneScape?
Exploring, questing, fishing, talking to people, hitting NPC* with my whip.
What is your time zone?
I believe it's (UTC-6:00) Central Time (US & Canada)
How often are you online and at what time of day?
I'm often online mostly in the evenings after a long day. I like to play to relax before going to bed. Or when I run out of homework during the day. Which is almost never.
But winter break is coming up soon. :]
Why does our clan stand out to you?
I've been in a few clans and they didn't really seem to fit and I never really felt like I had a purpose. I enjoy dedicating time and resources to a clan whatever need be. Plus I'll have nice people to talk to and it won't feel like I'm in single player mode of a video game.
Will you attend events?
I'll try my best to make them. Clan bonding!
Will you contribute to the citadel?
Of course.
Will you be loyal, helpful, and just generally cool?
I'm always cool, like cool whip.
But yes, I shall.