Display Name: V8lhalla
F2p or P2p?: P2P
Combat Level:71
Will you obey all of our rules?: Of Course
Will you be mature and cooperative?: Always
Will you be as active as possible?: Trying to be online as much as possible
Will you add the Leaders?: Sure
How did you learn about us?: from the forums recruitment section
What do you do like to do most in-game? (PVM/PVP, skilling, questing): Ill do all kinds of stuff whatever im feeling atm.
When did you leave your last clan (if applicable)?
Anything else we should know?:Im an experienced player from several years back who returned with an new account few weeks ago. Im social and willing to to help others whenever i have the chance.
Age: (optional) 25
Gender: (optional) Male
07-Nov-2015 11:05:56