_________________________~(#)~\ Application /~(#)~________________________
Name: Chronic Pyro
Combat LvL: 123
Attack LvL: 90
Strength LvL: 99
Defense LvL: 80
Range LvL: 88
Mage LvL: 94
Hitpoints Lvl: 94
Summoning Lvl: 79
Prayer Lvl: 70
What is your highest NON-Combat Skill: 86 Hunter
Your Favorite (Non-Combat) Skill: Slayer
Your Least Favorite Skill: Dungeoneering
Have you ever been in a Jedi Clan? No
Have you ever been in a Sith Clan? No
How many total clans have you been in? No
If YES, Why did you leave?
Why do you wish to join The Darrk Side? Because I heard you had cookies o.O
Do You accept the terms as a Trial Member (enter code word)? Force
Who (if any) Recruited you? Scarrpa9
Will you bump this thread at least once when you log in? yea
Did you read all of our rules, and do you accept them (enter code word)? Sideous
What country do u live in? U.S.A
If it the USA, what time zone are you in? EST
What TIME of day do you play RS and how long per day (activity)? Evenings and on weekends
Any other info? Nope
Chronic Pyro,
Congratulations, on being accepted into The Darrk Side as a Trial Member. You will find the Trial Membership requirements on Page 2 of this thread. Upon completion of the requirements on Febuary 13, 2012, please post the events which you attended and the dates on which these events occurred. (YOUR FULL MEMBERSHIP POST)
Remember it is UP to you to have your named placed on the members list.
Goodnight Bump
Soloed Bandos only got 2 kills but ehh what the heck it was sucseeful in my eyes.
We also need to quit being negative against bike. Seems like everytime something happens we rub it i his face (this includes me) . Please do not do this anymore.
I have updated the Tokkens....
only a few members have any Tokkens next to there name....remember it is up to YOU to get promoted in The Darrk Side...it is also up to YOU to make a post on the thread to have your good deeds count
So, Leaders make sure EVERY member knows this....