... So anyways...
"Wow" at this clan. I've been gone for a few months and this is what it has come to. :-(. Oh well, can't help it anyways. Life goes on. This is a game, but eh, people still seem to hold grudges. If you don't like the person, put them on your ignore list and follow in the latter, "ignore" them. It is a simple option to be given. Simple to perform. But really, the drama should stop. If people have left, they have left. If leaders cannot "lead" then they are unfit for their jobs, but knowing how many times I've screwed up as a Chancellor and part of the council, though somehow always managing to get back my spots later on, through waiting and actually knowing how to do my job, it works out.
You are a good leader, I give you that from my past time with TSO. When you were the one to accept me from TSL when Popejk777 kicked me out. I had gratitude for that. But the changes that you made from TSG to TDS to what seems like a dictatorship now is what has ruined the clan. The clans are meant for community, for people to have fun, along with the destruction of enemies, but that has not been the case, it seems, for awhile with this clan. People make choices that many do not agree with, you've made many that a majority of those who actually understand the consequences/restrictions really distaste. I understand that your trying to build community and make the clan better with a more active roster of members, but the method seems a bit out of context with how to have a stable clan.
I know this clan may grow a bit, but if it continues on with such restrictions that you have made, it will fall. You will possibly have people, such as Viper and Bloodyy, try to help, but you won't listen to them. If they know what they are saying, READ.
- Holysavior6/James
Old Member of TSL, TSO, TSG, TDS (for like... 3-4 weeks as I just gave up hope in myself on the game)
Most of the new mems won't probably know me as I see a lot of 100- joining this clan
27-May-2012 23:40:19
- Last edited on
28-May-2012 03:01:25