maxed at citadel
If anyone wants to recruit on forums, here is a recruit letter you can use.
____________________~ºI{#}Iº~\ The Darrk Side /~ºI{#}Iº~___________________
We are looking for members that are willing to work as a team. The Darrk Side
WILL has been built upon RESPECT for your fellow “Imperial” brethren. There
will be types of units and activities you can participate in, and we will be here to
assist each member in The Darrk Side to get the most out of the game of
We currently have a tier 3 citadel and wish to optimize our strategy in making a tier
5 citadel and a great community for The Darrk Side. We are a laid back clan with a
strong sense of friendship and cooperation. We are (at the moment) a medium
sized clan and wish to broaden our possibilities by recruiting active, friendly, and
mature players to further increase our strength and efficiency as a clan.
Quick Find Code: 87-88-643-63533657
Clan Chat: The Darrk Side
Friend Chat: SithSkwisgar
Clan World: 88
Time Zone: Eastern Standard Time (North America)
Clan Leader: Darth Darrko
(if you need help in joining please PM any leader found in the Chain of Command
and we can help you with your application to join or any problems you may need to
talk with us about)
02-May-2012 18:51:32