Recruitment Post?
_____________________~(#)~\ The Darrk Side /~(#)~_____________________
Home World: 88
Clan Chat: The Darrk Side
Please Visit Our Clan Forum: The Darrk Side
We are looking for members that are willing to work as a team. The Darrk Side WILL been built upon RESPECT for your fellow “Imperial” brethren. There will be types of units and activities you can participate in, and we will be here to assist each member in The Darrk Side to get the most out of the game of runescape.
So, if you’re looking for a clan and you can agree to all of the policies and will follow any & all orders given to you by myself or any of our appointed leaders........This is the clan for you.
______~•ï¡÷¡ï•~\ Darth Darrko /~•ï¡÷¡ï•~______
~*ºI||Iº Emperor & Dark Lord of the Sith ºI||Iº*~
29-Mar-2012 18:10:01