Post 2.6. Losing Activity Points
Activity Points are suspended. As of January 1st 2018 all AP is no longer being tracked or recorded. Suspension is indefinite and will continue until further notice.
Along with earning AP, you can also lose AP. If you reach -2 AP, you will be removed from the clan. There are several ways that you can lose AP, none of which you should do as active clan members:
• Skipping meetings
• Being absent for a long time
Skipping Meetings
Meetings are +2/-2 AP events, which means that if you skip a meeting while you're on RuneScape, you will automatically lose 2 AP. Meetings are important for clan members to attend, so you will be punished if you don't attend.
Also, you will only get +1 AP for a meeting if you don't wear your uniform.
Also, if we have reason to believe you are pretending to log out during a meeting and you're actually on, 2 AP may be deducted.
Being Absent
You need to earn at least one AP per month to avoid being swept from the clan. If you don't earn any AP for a month you will lose AP and swept for the clan when you reach -2 AP. Of course we make exceptions for people who let us know they will be gone for a known period of time.