°·..·°·..·°·..·°·..·°·..·°·..·°·..·°~‡ D34TH SCYTH3S Rules Part2 ‡~°·..***..***..***..***..***..***..**
=¤+¤=¤+¤+=¤+¤++¤+¤+=*=¤+¤++¤ Minor Crimes ¤++¤=¤=+¤+¤+¤++¤+¤=+¤+¤=¤+¤=
(Warnings will be given, then a kick from the clan chat/temp ban from the forums)
I: Impersonating another person's role.
II: Spamming on ANY threads, including ours, allies, and even enemy threads.
This includes RSOF (RuneScape Official Forums) threads, and this one.
III: Fighting with other clan members, whether in the clan chat, on the forums,
or through any other chatting services.
¤+¤=¤+¤+=¤+¤++¤+¤+=¤=¤+¤++¤ Medium Crimes ¤++¤=¤=+¤+¤+¤++¤+¤=+¤+¤=¤+¤
(Warnings may or may not be given, depending on the situation)
Section II.
I: Spying on members in our clan.
II: Being in multiple clans at one time [Multiclanning]. Clan Chats for Pest Control,
Soul Wars, or friends are allowed, but please tell a leader first.
III: Disrespecting other members, allies, or anyone.
IV: Refusing to listen to a higher rank's requests, if they are trying to keep order.
=¤+¤=¤+¤+=¤+¤++¤+¤+=¤=¤+¤++¤ Major Crimes ¤++¤=¤=+¤+¤+¤++¤+¤=+¤+¤=¤+¤=
(Will result in instant, permanent ban from D34TH SCYTH3S)
Section III:
I: Spying on our clan, or any clan without permission.
II: Secession from our clan to make a new one as well as taking our members.
III: Assisting enemies at any time, no matter what.
IV: Trying to overthrow the Leader.
V: Plotting against clan-mates in ANY WAY*
**: Any abuse of power, whether small or large.
14-Jan-2017 20:25:38