Post 7
Clan Citadel Information:
Capping is NOT mandatory (It does help us a lot if you cap though and towards a rank up!) Citadel Tier - Tier 1 (Currently being worked on rapidly to upgrade, tier 2 is only a week away)
Current Avatars - 1
Who is able to use the clan avatars?
Currently Coordinators and above are the only Officers to take the clan avatars out. (This will change over time)
Citadel Plots:
1) Obelisk Plot (not built)
2) Loom Plot (not built)
3) Mining Plot (not built)
4) Furnace Plot (not built)
5) Woodcutting Plot
6) Kiln Plot (not built)
How the weekly capping works: Once the citadel has reset and a new week starts, ALL plots will be set a little, once that limit has been capped, the other plots need to be completed also, once ALL plots are completed for the weekly upkeep, all plots needed for a citadel upgrade will be unlocked, and the limit set, for what is needed to upgrade what's next, Once ALL upgrades are maxed out, ALL plots are fully reopened to do with as you please! Upkeep comes first. Upgrades come second.
We use the clan citadel to host a weekly clan meeting, the meeting is never mandatory! Unless the meeting is for Leaders and Officers only, then it might be mandatory, Leader and Officer meetings are only for admin ranks +
16-Oct-2017 20:21:47