My Attack level is: 1
My Strength level is: 1
My Constitution level is: 38
My Ranged level is: 1
My Magic level is: 1
My Prayer level is: 1
My Defence level is: 47
My Summoning level is: 44
The main reason I am joining this clan is: MM Well as i have been playing this game for so many years i have created alot of accounts which now turned to high lvs 138 to 113. I have tried pures, zerkers, 75 defence and maxed mains. i have never tried a summ tank and hopefully with the amount of good friends i have i should be maxed summ tank no time. Also the reason i wanted to join was i wanted fellow summ tank brothers to motivate and to socialise with.
How I found this clan is: forums
01-Apr-2012 11:20:33