This thread's purpose is 3 fold. It's there to build our staff by allowing outside players to come to us and enter our staff ranks based on previous clan experience. Also development of our staff will be a topic seen on that thread. Training and development is essential and keeps the staff team informed, conditioned and on the same page. The third topic you'll see is the operation of our staff. It's organization, hierarchy, and break down of day to day responsibilities in detail.
You'll find that once this thread is complete, all applications, discussions and inquiries concerning our staff will go through that thread only and no longer here. Although this will be the case, we will still have a general overview of our ranks shown here for the new folks joining us as regular members.
In the future, within a couple months, i will anticipate that threads title will change due to the fact its going to be more of a topic discussion thread rather than a building thread. When this occurs, i will give out notice and communicate when this happens.
Positions that will be available on that thread are;